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First Grade Math Curriculum

Win Elements

First Grade Math Curriculum Reasoning

The curriculum is designed to develop foundational math skills, including number sense, operations, and problem-solving abilities. Activities are centered around engaging, hands-on learning experiences that are both educational and enjoyable for first graders.

First Grade math
First Grade Math

1. Understanding Place Value

  • Objective: Students will understand that a digit in the tens place has a greater value than the same digit in the ones place.

  • Activities: Use manipulatives like linking cubes and bundles of straws to group sets of ten. This helps in visualizing and conceptualizing tens and ones.

  • Standard: 1.NBT.2a, 1.NBT.3 .

2. Comparing Two-Digit Numbers

  • Objective: Students will compare two-digit numbers using the concepts of tens and ones.

  • Activities: Use games and worksheets that encourage students to compare numbers symbolically and verbally (greater than, less than, equal to).

  • Standard: 1.NBT.3 .

3. Addition and Subtraction within 100

  • Objective: Students solve problems within 100 using strategies based on the properties of numbers.

  • Activities: Engage in activities that use physical objects, drawings, and symbols to represent addition and subtraction. Encourage strategies like counting on, making ten, etc.

  • Standard: Use multiple strategies to demonstrate understanding of addition and subtraction (SMP.1, SMP.4) .

4. Developing Mathematical Reasoning

  • Objective: Encourage reasoning about numbers and explain the methods used in problem-solving.

  • Activities: Discussions where students explain their reasoning and critique others' methods in a group setting, promoting deeper understanding through communication.

  • Standard: SMP.2, SMP.3, SMP.4 .

5. Fluency with Addition and Subtraction

  • Objective: Develop fluency with basic addition and subtraction.

  • Activities: Regular practice through games, timed activities, and interactive math talks focused on mental math.

  • Standard: Aim for fluency as highlighted in the progression of the standards, but formal algorithms are introduced in higher grades .

Additional Resources and Activities:

  • Math Talks: Engage students in short discussions where they solve problems mentally and share strategies, fostering a mathematically rich environment.

  • Visual Aids: Use number lines, 10-frames, and other visual aids to support number sense development and operational understanding .

  • 6. Understanding Addition and Subtraction Properties

  • Objective: Students will explore the properties of operations, specifically focusing on the commutative, associative, and identity properties of addition.

  • Activities: Engage students in hands-on activities using blocks or other manipulatives to demonstrate that the order of addition does not affect the sum (commutative property), how grouping affects addition (associative property), and adding zero (identity property).

  • Standard: This addresses specific properties of operations as outlined in the document .

7. Using Mathematical Practices in Problem Solving

  • Objective: Encourage students to use different mathematical practices to enhance problem-solving skills.

  • Activities: Activities that encourage students to make sense of problems, reason abstractly, and communicate their reasoning. This could include simple word problems where students need to choose the best operation and explain their choice.

  • Standard: Emphasizes the use of SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, and SMP6 as described in the document for engaging students in mathematical thinking .

8. Developing Number Sense Through Play

  • Objective: Develop number sense and understanding through interactive play and exploration.

  • Activities: Use games like "dot talks" where students quickly see and count dots to encourage subitizing, and ten-frame activities to develop quick recognition of number patterns and relationships.

  • Standard: Supports developing a strong number sense foundation as students engage with numbers in meaningful contexts, relevant for first grade as outlined in the document .

9. Engaging with Numbers Up to 120

  • Objective: Expand students' ability to count, understand, and operate with numbers up to 120.

  • Activities: Counting collections where students practice counting various items up to 120, use number lines, and participate in skip counting activities.

  • Standard: Aligned with 1.NBT.1, focusing on counting and understanding numbers to 120 as mentioned in the document .

Certainly! Here’s a comprehensive and detailed first-grade math curriculum combining all the elements discussed, aligned with the relevant standards:

First Grade Math Curriculum Overview

The curriculum is designed to develop foundational math skills, including number sense, operations, and problem-solving abilities. Activities are centered around engaging, hands-on learning experiences that are both educational and enjoyable for first graders.

Unit 1: Understanding Place Value

  • Objective: Recognize that two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.

  • Activities: Manipulatives like linking cubes, bundles of straws, and place value mats help visualize grouping into tens and ones.

  • Standards: 1.NBT.2a, 1.NBT.3

Unit 2: Comparing Two-Digit Numbers

  • Objective: Use knowledge of place value to compare two-digit numbers.

  • Activities: Interactive games and comparison worksheets; use of terms "greater than", "less than", and "equal to".

  • Standards: 1.NBT.3

Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction within 100

  • Objective: Solve addition and subtraction problems within 100 using various strategies.

  • Activities: Physical objects, drawing representations, and symbolic equations; emphasize strategies like counting on and making ten.

  • Standards: SMP.1, SMP.4

Unit 4: Mathematical Reasoning

  • Objective: Develop reasoning about numbers, explaining and critiquing problem-solving methods.

  • Activities: Group discussions for explaining reasoning and strategies.

  • Standards: SMP.2, SMP.3, SMP.4

Unit 5: Fluency with Addition and Subtraction

  • Objective: Achieve fluency in basic addition and subtraction operations.

  • Activities: Timed drills, interactive games, and math talks focusing on mental calculation.

  • Standards: Progression towards fluency, detailed in curriculum documents.

Unit 6: Understanding Addition and Subtraction Properties

  • Objective: Understand and apply properties of addition including commutative, associative, and identity properties.

  • Activities: Demonstrations and explorations with blocks and other manipulatives.

  • Standards: Detailed in curriculum progression documents.

Unit 7: Using Mathematical Practices in Problem Solving

  • Objective: Utilize various mathematical practices to enhance problem-solving skills.

  • Activities: Solving word problems, choosing appropriate operations, and explaining reasoning.

  • Standards: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP6

Unit 8: Developing Number Sense Through Play

  • Objective: Enhance number sense through interactive and playful activities.

  • Activities: "Dot talks", ten-frame exercises, and pattern recognition games.

  • Standards: Fundamental to developing a strong base in number sense.

Unit 9: Engaging with Numbers Up to 120

  • Objective: Master counting, understanding, and working with numbers up to 120.

  • Activities: Counting collections, using number lines, and skip counting.

  • Standards: 1.NBT.1

Additional Resources and Activities:

  • Math Talks: Facilitate discussions where students solve problems mentally and share strategies.

  • Visual Aids: Utilize number lines, 10-frames, and other tools to support number sense and operations.

This curriculum ensures a balanced approach to first-grade mathematics, where students not only learn mathematical concepts but also apply them in practical and engaging ways, promoting a deep, enduring understanding of foundational math.

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