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Parent Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I communicate with my child?

Parents may contact the office, and office assistants will send the message to the student.

We are a one-to-one district, and each student has a Chromebook. Parents can communicate with their students through email.

What if my child qualifies for one of the exceptions?

Students who qualify for any of the exceptions mentioned in the law must show proof and will be given a pouch with a hidden label inside the pouch so all staff know to unlock it whenever those students request.

Where will unlocking devices for Blue Safe Pouches be located?

All classrooms and the Main Office have a magnet to unlock all Blue Safe Pouch. 

Where is the unlock device for the Tier 2 Orange Safe Pouch?

Students chose the Tier 2 Orange Safe Pouch as a “Positive Intervention.” They know this and have agreed to wait in line after school, answer reflection questions, and ask a staff member to unlock their pouches. 

What if there is an emergency on campus?

In case of an emergency, we direct our students to safety first. School staff has a magnet that unlocks any Blue Safe Pouch in seconds for students once they are in a safe and secure location. In the event of a lack of unlocking devices during an emergency, students can cut the side-thread pouch to reach their cell phone at no cost to the student.

What if my student doesn’t have a cell phone or smartphone?

Students without a cell phone must complete a declaration form but will still receive a pouch to carry. They will be given a laminated card to indicate to staff that their pouch does not contain a smartphone, and students lock up their earbuds and/or smartwatches.

What about seniors who go out to lunch?

Seniors with off-campus lunch privileges can unlock their pouches through the Main Office as they leave the parking lot.

What about students who leave early for a game, a field trip, or other programs?

Students can unlock their phones in the main office or with the assistance of a Campus Supervisor. 

Student’s Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this being implemented at [School Name]?

Growing research has found that unregulated smartphone use leads to an increase in cyberbullying, anxiety, depression, achievement gaps, suicidal ideation, and many other issues.

When do I need to lock up my phone and smartwatch?

Upon entering the school, students Silence their phones, show them to a staff member, and lock them with their earbuds and smartwatches. Students keep the pouches with them, and their last teachers will unlock them.

When will my pouch be unlocked?

Your last-period teachers will unlock the pouches.

I have a Tier 2 Orange Safe Pouch. When will my pouch be unlocked?

Students chose the Tier 2 Orange Safe Pouch as a “Positive Intervention.” They know this and have agreed to wait in line after school, answer reflection questions, and ask a staff member to unlock their pouches. 

Can I unlock my phone at lunch if I have an off-campus lunch pass?

Seniors with off-campus lunch privileges can unlock their pouches through the Main Office as they leave the parking lot.

What about students who leave early for a game, a field trip, or other programs?

Students can unlock their phones in the main office or with the assistance of a Campus Supervisor. 

What if we get caught with our phones, earbuds, and/or smartwatches out in school without a “supervised” staff permission supervision?

Discipline consequences are based on how often you have violated the school Smart Phone Policy.

What if we forget our pouch?

If available, students borrow a Tier 2 Orange Safe Pouch or leave their phones at the Front Office to be picked up after school.

What if we need to call your parent/guardian/younger sibling while in school?

All pouches feature three holes for essential button access, allowing voice commands to make or answer calls during passing periods or lunch. Additionally, all staff have a magnet to unlock your Blue Pouch under their supervision during these times. Simply provide your student ID, retrieve it after use, and relock your pouch.

What if my phone rings while it’s in my pouch?

Your teacher has a magnet to unlock it to silence your phone.

What if we damaged or lost our pouch?

The pouch is the property of [School Name]. You will be charged $15 for lost or beyond repair damaged pouches or $5 for repair service. Treat this as if it were a district laptop or textbook. It is your responsibility to care for it.

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